Showing posts with label digital currency. Show all posts
Showing posts with label digital currency. Show all posts

Monday, January 21, 2019

Fiat VS Crypto: Round I Fight!

zeroes and ones vs pieces of paper
According to Coinmarketcap, the total crypto worth of the Top 100 coins right now is:
Total Market Cap: $121,554,389,665

According to there are:
" In total, there is a total of about $1.5 trillion in U.S. physical currency in circulation, and roughly 80% of this value comes from the 11.5 billion $100 notes that are in circulation"

Now let's compare them visually:
All crypto: -----$121,554,389,665
US dollars:   $15,000,000,000,000

How about if we add all other fiat currencies?

Can you now imagine how small is crypto? Can you imagine how many people must invest in it before it becomes something of importance? Let's do math!

Earth population=7.53 billion (2017)
If every person on the planet invests:
$15 000 000 000 000 / 7 530 000 000 = $1992 per human being. This is how much it would cost for the whole crypto market to reach the mighty fiat dollar.
And that is only for USD!

Do you think that if Crypto beats USD by mere numbers, Crypto will eventually win over fiat?
Let me hear your thoughts on this below:

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